Be Water Efficient

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What Can You Do?

You hold the key to saving water! Plumbing manufacturers have dedicated themselves to producing highly efficient products in a wide range of styles and prices. These products can be found in retail and wholesale showrooms across the country.But product development is only a part of the solution. There are many components within the water delivery process responsible for ensuring that water is used in the most efficient way possible: consumer action (retrofitting inefficient products), consumer behavior (using products correctly) and supporting legislative/regulatory action including advocating for improvements to our nation’s aging infrastructure.Did you know that the USA would save 3 billion gallons of water per day if all products were retrofitted to today’s efficiency levels?

Did you know that the USA loses 1.7 trillion gallons of treated water each year before it reaches pluming products through leaks in our nation’s aging infrastructure?

The average American consumes about 100 gallons of water each day, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Indoors, routine activities such as flushing toilets and taking baths and showers account for the largest fraction of this usage in most homes. (Outdoor water use is, on average, the largest factor, accounting for 57% of per-capita use in the United States.)The demand for water- and energy-saving plumbing fixtures and fittings to meet these critical hygienic needs has grown substantially over the past decade, giving home and business owners more options than ever. Here are a number of effective actions you can take to maximize water efficiency where you live and where you work.

Water Efficiency Can Pay Off!

Many WaterSense partners offer water-saving rebate programs for WaterSense labeled products—such as water–efficient toilets, showerheads, and faucets—as well as water conservation services.Use the EPA WaterSense Rebate Finder to see what money-saving rebates are available in your area.

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