Water Footprint – Concepts and Your Plumbing
What is a Water Footprint? Your water footprint is the amount of water you use in and around your home, school or office throughout the day. It includes the water you use directly (e.g., from a [...]
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What is a Water Footprint? Your water footprint is the amount of water you use in and around your home, school or office throughout the day. It includes the water you use directly (e.g., from a [...]
Front-loading or top-loading? Performance or value? We’ve got all the picks for the best of 2015. Washers and dryers come in all shapes and sizes. From traditional top-loaders to high-tech [...]
Water Leaking on the Bottom Front? Does your washing machine leak periodically? IF so read on to find out what are the most common causes and how to fix them. Water leaks are sometimes tricky [...]
This is our final post in a series about washing machines. These are same of the most common household machines that everyone has and everyone uses. Often times over looked a well maintained [...]
Operating The Washing Machine Operating a washing machine is pretty simple. There are a few things to decide before you start your load of laundry, such as the size of the load (i.e., small, [...]
Over the years, you’ve probably washed your clothes hundreds of times, but have you ever wondered what’s inside your washing machine that makes it do its magic? For example, how does it spin the [...]
Toilet Tips AKA More like TOILET PAPER Tips: Around the holidays toilet paper usage skyrockets! If you aren’t careful, you could have some major drain cleaning problems in your future! With [...]
After Thanksgiving and Christmas is one of the biggest times of the year for plumbing problems and appliance problems. Overloaded garbage disposals, overused dishwashers and other breakdowns can [...]
We can’t help you figure out how to handle to your hyper-political and all too opinionated cousin, but we can help keep your plumbing running smoothly. With Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s [...]
Holiday guests don’t just put a strain on your nerves, they’ll strain your plumbing, too. Guests already have a way of taxing your bed space and living space. The last thing you need is a [...]