How To Save Water In Commercial Spaces…

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What you can do in commercial spaces…

The demand for water- and energy-saving plumbing fixtures and fittings to meet these critical hygienic needs has grown substantially over the past decade, giving home and business owners more options than ever. Here are a number of effective actions you can take to maximize water efficiency where you work.

Conduct a water inventory to determine the flow rate of all plumbing fixtures and fittings. Any using more than EPAct 1992 levels should be upgraded immediately.

Eliminate leaks: Look for and repair any water leaks in faucets, toilet flappers, and so forth.

Upgrade urinals: Replace older inefficient urinals.

Check the aerators on faucets: High-flow aerators can be replaced quickly and cheaply.

Halt the long waits: Consult a plumber to see if a demand-driven recirculation system can be retrofitted to your hot-water system. As in the home, these devices eliminate lukewarm water dumped down the drain while users wait for hot water.

Switch to low-flow valves: Replace commercial kitchen pre-rinse spray valves with low-flow models.

Ease the pressure: Consider reducing the water pressure of your entire plumbing system.

Cut outdoor water waste: The WaterSense label is not just for plumbing products, but also for labeling irrigation-training programs for landscape professionals. The label assures the use of water-efficient products as well as verification of professional proficiency in water-efficient irrigation system design, installation and maintenance, and performance audits.

Large Shower Systems and Water Efficiency: Multiple-showerhead systems should be specified responsibly, so that employees can enjoy the showering experience they desire safely, reliably and efficiently. That means considering the total showering installation, including the energy used to heat and deliver the water.

Each shower head and body spray can deliver up to 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm), but a mix of shower outlets that deliver less than 2.5 gpm is more efficient, while still delivering an enjoyable showering experience.

End users bear responsibility for efficiency as well. The key is to make the system as easy as possible for companies to use safely and responsibly.

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